Chip 1997 March
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▄█▓█▄ THE┌┬┐┌─┬ ┬┌ ┬┐ ┌┬┐┬─┐┌─┬ ┬┐┬┌ ┬┐┬─┐ ▄█▓█▄
▄█▓▒░▒▓█▄ │ ├─┤ ├┴┐ ├ │ ├┬┘├─┤ │ ├┴┐ ├ ├┬┘ ▄█▓▒░▒▓█▄
▀█▓▒▓█▀ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴┘ ┴ ┴└ ┴ ┴ ┴┘┴ ┴ ┴┘┴└ ▀█▓▒▓█▀
▀█▀ Version 0.9d ▀█▀
TakeTracker 0.9d Betaversion
16 Channel tracker for
Gravis UltraSound
and for SoundBlaster & 120% compatible
The entire tracker was done by
Twaddler and Dr. Zon of X-Pose
1993, 1994
The code consist of about 9,700 lines of
Pascal, Basic and Assembly code.
Contents of this document: Page:
Bragging, info and credits.....................................Above
General info on TakeTracker........................................1
About XPose........................................................1
Configuring TakeTracker............................................1
Player effects.....................................................1
Using effects in TT................................................1
File formats.......................................................1
Loading and saving files in TT.....................................1
Use of memory in TT................................................1
The sample editor..................................................1
The disk op........................................................1
The MOD EDIT Screen................................................1
The setup..........................................................1
The command line player............................................1
These files goes with the TT archive:
TRACKER.EXE | The main executable file
TRACKER.DOC | This documentation
CONFIG.EXE | Setup program (creates CONFIG.CFG)
669MOD.EXE | 669 Converter to MOD format (will be implemented in TT soon)
mmGFX1.DAT \
doGFX2.DAT | All are graphic files,
seGFX3.DAT | and all are 32000 bytes
meGFX4.DAT | in filesize...
seGFX5.DAT /
dbGFX6.DAT | Dialog box
README.TXT | Last info, general info, greets and more
TT.REV | Previous revisions of TakeTracker
General info on TakeTracker
Welcome to TakeTracker. You now have the latest version of
TakeTracker. TakeTracker is a multichannel song-editing complex
with very advanced functions. This tracker can handle up to 16
channels of music. For long time there has been a standard that was
limited to 4 channels. Taketracker takes a step beyond into 16
channels. There are also a lot of other trackers, which might be a
lot better than TakeTracker, but I think TakeTracker is a good
You can create almost ANY piece of music with a tracker of this
style, from Beethoven classics to todays (?) techno pieces. On the
great Amiga a lot of known (and unknown) pieces has been converted
into modules. But trackers are also good for composing your own
If anyone know the Amiga and the ProTracker - I must say I've tried
to create TakeTracker as equal as possible. I've just got some
troubles with the screen resolution on the PC. Therefore might the
PC version look a bit "weird" the first time. But you will get used
to it. Actually, now I think the PT on the AMIGA looks a bit
"weird". The most used keypresses in PT (which I use) have been
implemented in TT, too; plus a few more
TakeTracker has been made mainly for private use, actually I never
planned to release it after all. But Twaddler convinced me to
release it. And I don't regret. This tracker is now very dislike
what it looked like in the beginning. Actually, I never planned to
make a such nice program. I just wanted to make a tracker I could use
myself, because there were no other usable trackers around.
A feature added in the newer betas, is the 255 ability. The necessarry
parts of the MOD file format has been rewritten to fit up to 255 sample
About XPose
XPose is a demo-group situated in Norway. For the moment we are 5
members, and we are waiting for a few more to join:
Dr. Zon - Code, music
Twaddler - Code
Iris - GFX
Extacy - Music, GFX
Axe - Music
Bergiant - Internet coordinator
TakeTracker has been created and tested with the following hardware:
Computers ........................... TCI 486DX2/66
DI 486DX/33
PC Brand 486DX2/66
Grafix cards ........................ Cirrus GD-5426
Soundcards .......................... Gravis UltraSound
SoundBlaster 16 ASP
SoundBlaster 1.0
TakeTracker has also been tried out on a laptop, a 386SX with no
soundcard installed (with GUS selected). We noticed TT had a
tolerable speed.
Configuring TakeTracker
You configure soundcards and hardware setup externally of
Taketracker using a smaller utility called SETUP.EXE. This is a
simply button driven mouse system program that will let you choose
which soundcard you have, and which adresses, DMAs, IRQs and mixing
rates you want it to go in. The mixing rate should be set after you
computers CPU;
11000/15000 - 386
18000 or more - 486 or higher
Since DMA, IRQ and mixing rate is not needed for the GUS, those will
be leaved open when GUS is selected. To save new changes, press the
DONE button, or kick button 'D' on keyboard. Abort with 'A'.
Composing music in TakeTracker
The minimum reqirement for composing music, is to handle
HEXADECIMAL NUMBERS fairly good... Single hexadecimals goes
from 0-F, corresponding to the respective numbers 0-15.
Hexadecimal numbers are usually written 0x1E, 1Eh $1E, or sometimes
just 1E... 1E is corresponding to decimal 30...
The maximum volume a sample can be played at, is 64 decimal, this is
40h. So when you are telling a sample to play at maximum volume,
you either insert effect C40, or puts the current samplevolume to 40
(where 40 is the hexadecimal number of 64)
After then, you should know where the different notes are placed on
the keyboard. Look in the "Keys" chapter of this document for more
info on which keys responds to which notes. Remember that F1
decreases octave, and F2 increases octave.
You will also need samples to use in your module. For the first
time composing a module, loading a module and clear the patterns
(CLEAR SONG in MOD EDIT) could be smart. Then you press space and
the tracker's yours.
Player effects (not updated properly)
Standard effects supported by TakeTracker
0xy - Arpeggio
1xx - Pitch/slide/portamento up
2xx - Pitch/slide/portamento down
3xy - Pitch/slide/portamento to note
4xy - Vibrato
6xy - Volume slide + vibrato
7xy - Tremolo
8xx - NOT USED
9xx - Set sample offset
Axy - Volume slide
Bxx - Song break
Cxx - Set volume
Dxx - Pattern break (very limited!)
Exy - Special effect. See below
Fxx - Set tempo/speed
Special Exy effects supported by TakeTracker:
E1y - Fine portamento slide UP
E1y - Fine portamento slide DOWN
E6y - Pattern loop (use E60 to set point, E6x for multiple times)
E9y - Retrig sample per y vblank
EAy - Fine volume slide UP
EBy - Fine volume slide DOWN
ECy - Stop playing sample after y vblanks
EDy - Delay note y vblanks
Most of these keypresses are taken directly from ProTracker, but
some keypresses from various trackers (SBStudio, FastTracker...) are
also implemented. Why keypresses are taken from other trackers, and
not defined as NEW keypresses, is to have a certain compability so
new users should feel more "welcome".
Anyway, here is a listing, and in the beginning it might be
preferred to print this section on paper.
F1 - Decrease octave
F2 - Increase octave
F3 - Next bar (volume bar, spectrum analyzer...)
F7 - Decrease one note at current position
F8 - Increase one note at current position
F11 - Keyboard window
F12 - Update GUS mem
Text-input: F1-F10 - Various patterns (like ╔═══╗, ├───┤ ...)
Enter - Play all notes and effects in current row
Space - Toggle edit mode (and turn off sound)
Tab - Next channel
Arrow up/down - One row up/down (rows, files...)
Arrow left/right - Next edit position (note, samplenumber,
Numeric * (gray) - Shift channels right
Numeric / (gray) - Shift channels left
Page Down - Go 15 rows down
Page Up - Go 15 rows up
Home - Go to top of sheet
End - Go to last row of sheet
Shift+1-0 - Store effect at cursor position
Shift+Enter - Push current track 1 row down
Shift+BackSpace - Pull current track 1 row up
Shift+F4 - Copy track to buffer
Shift+F5 - Paste track from buffer
Shift+Right - Increase song position
Shift+Left - Decrease song position
Shift+Tab - Decrease channel position
Alt+1-0 - Paste effect
Alt+F4 - Copy effects to buffer
Alt+F5 - Paste effects from buffer
Alt-S - Sampler
Alt-D - Disk op.
Right Alt - Play pattern
Ctrl-E - Insert space at every 2nd row
* Ctrl-M - Increase channel when editing (for MIDI)
Ctrl-O - Swap note with note on next channel (stereo effect)
* Ctrl+F4 - Copy pattern to buffer
* Ctrl+F5 - Paste pattern from buffer
Ctrl+Left/right - Next/previous sample
Ctrl+1-0 - Set editjump (editskip)
Right Ctrl - Play song
Both Ctrls(R&L) - Play song from current position
*: Not implemented yet, but will be implemented later
F4 - Slow spectrum analyzer (requires at least a Pentium(TM) to run smooth)
F5 - Waveform (yet SB only - random dots on GUS)
F9 - Spectrum analyzers
I have still not decided where to put these keypresses.
The PC's keyboard compared to a musication keyboard (I think):
C# D# F# G# A# C# D# F# G# A#
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │S│ │D│ │ │G│ │H│ │J│ │ │2│ │3│ │ │5│ │6│ │7│ │
│ └┬┘ └┬┘ │ └┬┘ └┬┘ └┬┘ │ └┬┘ └┬┘ │ └┬┘ └┬┘ └┬┘ │
│ Z │ X │ C │ V │ B │ N │ M │ Q │ W │ E │ R │ T │ Y │ U │
I (pos) - Inserts an empty pattern in the song order
D (pos) - Deletes the current pattern number on song order
MOD ED. - Enter the MODule EDit menu, where you can alter
songname m.m.
SAMPLER - Enter the sample editor
STOP - Stops playing.
PLAY | P - Pressing PLAY, will play the entire song from current
position, while pressing the P to play current
pattern only. If you are in edit mode, you will start
DISK.OP - Enter DISK. OPerations menu
[samplename]- Pressing on the sample-name, allows you to edit it.
MIX - Mix two samples together.
REPEAT - Let you click on sample to set REPEAT POSITON
REPLEN - Let you click on sample to set REPEAT LENGTH
UPSAMPLE - Halve size of sample
* CUT - Cut selected area to buffer
COPY - Copy selected area to buffer (still very simple)
PASTE - Will erase old sample and insert copied buffer
Using effects in TT
People who are "used to" effects should have NO PROBLEM AT ALL using
the effects. But for any new users of this kind of trackers, I will
explain the use of effects quickly.
Effects consists of three hexadecimal numbers - the leading digit
determines WHAT effect to use. Example: If the leading digit is C
and the following digits are 1 and 4 (ie C14) the volume on that
channel will be set to 14 hex when playing. C20 will set the volume
to 20 hex. The maximum volume is 40 hex (64 decimal). When not
entering a volume, the current volume on that sample will be played.
The volume slide works another way. It slides the volume in the
same amount as the speed goes. The volume slide works two different
ways; either volume slide UP or volume slide DOWN.
If you are going to slide the volume DOWN - set the effect to A -
and the the second digit is set to 0 and the third digit to the
volume slide amount (ex: A02 will slide the volume 2*speed DOWN).
The opposite, volume slide UP uses the first of the two digits.
(ex: A20 will slide the volume 2*speed UP). When volume has reached
either minimum (0) or maximum (040h) volume, it will stop sliding.
I hope this will give a little understanding how the effects are
used. You see, I'm not so good explaining things. You can look in
the effects 'chapter' in the documentation for an overview of
effects that are currently supported.
Copying and pasting
There are many things to copy and paste around in a notesheet.
You can copy/paste effects only, notes only, or both. You can also
only copy ONE single effect. All this is controlled from the
keyboard. And the keypresses may be hard to remember in the
First, copying a single track into a buffer, is done by pressing
Shift+F4. And when this is properly stored in the buffer, you can
paste it. Shift+F5.
NOTICE: Pasting a track will OVERWRITE all info already placed on
Copying whole patterns, effects only, are NOT implemented yet.
There is also a 10-buffer possibility to copy and paste one single
effect only. This is done by pressing Shift and a number ranging
from 0 to 9. The number indicates which of the ten buffers to copy
to. To pasting these effects, press Alt+0-9.
The MOD format goes like this:
SONGName 20bytes
SampleINFO 31samples*30 byte = 930 bytes
SampleName 22bytes
Volume 1byte
Finetune 1byte
SampleLength 1word (div 2-signed)
SampleRepeat 1word (div 2-signed)
SampleReplen 1word (div 2-signed)
Songlength 1byte
Songorder 128bytes
noiserestart 1byte
(skriv senere!)
The samples uses a special "**" file format which is very equal
the internal MOD sample format.
TakeTracker also has the ability to load samples saved from
FastTracker, where loop/length is stored in time/date fields.
Loading and saving in TT
Loading and saving has been done very simple in TT. You enter the
DISK.OP menu by pressing the DISK.OP button, and then you simply
press the mouse cursor at what file to load.
If you would like to save a work, click on the either the MODULENAME
or the SAMPLENAME textfield, depending on work to save, and type in
the filename to save. Afterwards you press the SAVE MOD or SAVE
SAMPLE button (also depending on what work to save).
The sample editor
If you load a sample with very much noise, TT can take this to be
a sample of the wrong kind. Use XOR to convert it.
(I'll write more when I can come up with something)
The setup screen is provided to make a more personal look on your
environment. You can change the palette, set balance (panning), and
more minor things.
Main settings:
There are 16 possible positions for each of the bars marked 0 to F.
Set on top (0) is right, while on the bottom is the left.
There are four preset panning positions. Keep in mind that I prefer
you use the STEREO preset (RLRLRLRLRLRLRLRL). The NORMAL preset is
like the Protracker(Amiga)/Fast-tracker (RLLRRLLRRLLRRLLR).
WIDE is a more smooth, where the pannings overleap. MID is
All these does ofcourse not work with SoundBlasters.
You select color by pressing mouse button on one of the colors bars,
and then press mouse on one of the three RGB bars with values ranging
from 0 to 63 where 0 means no effect of color, while 63 is maximum
effect. You can 'drag' the indicator with right mouse button.
These are predefined color definitions that has been designed by me.
Re-reads the configuration file -> set new palette only.
This was a feature I hadn't time to finish till this release.
So we'll have to wait until next (or perhaps more) for this
one to work properly, since I had to change the whole MOD
format to make it work.
This is another item for GUS only.
When doing anything with a sample in the sample-editor, TT will
automatically re-order the memory of the GUS to activate the
new changes we have done. This will take a little while, and can
seem really annoying after a while, therefore you can disable this,
and press F12 instead every time you want to update GUS memory.
Usually the samplenumber is displayed as "02". Enabling this only
displays " 2". Looks often better. 13 is ofcourse "13" either this
is set or not.
Confirm to show dirs in disk op.
This is a facility for GUS only when playing a module that has less
than 16 channels.
When playing a module, you will get a more echoing effect. At
least you will feel it. This is because the player plays each note
twice, and with a very short delay, and with the volume ramped down.
If YES, then TT replaces the samplename with help/info on the effect
the cursor is at (if any).
For those who has changed from FastTracker, this is a very nice
switch. With this enabled you can load repeat/replen from saved in
FastTracker. Keep this off if you never has used FastTracker, since
some "real" time/date can be confused with repeat/replen.
Just press F3 a couple of times while playing a module and see
what happens. F4, F5 and F9 activates VGA scopes. Press Esc to
abort these. (Is there really more to say?)
The command line player
If have finally managed to code these, if you want these, please
look out for separate archives. (TTPLAY.ZIP / TTPLAY2.ZIP)
And then...
I used 4 channel modules by Henning Hafstad (Axe/Xpose) and
the up-to-16-channel modules by Gudmund Reinertsen (StumAce/...)
for testing TakeTracker.
I used Dual Module Player (DMP) to test my save-routines and
All trademarks are copyrighted to their respective owners.
Dr. Zon 6. Mar 1994